Free training platform for new online freelancers or who are interested to work from home

Aug 19 '19 DoretLoom 3080 clicks share

Hello Everyone!

I’m with a team creating a FREE TRAINING platform for new online freelancers, or those who might be interested to WORK FROM HOME.

I have been a freelancer doing Project Management and CRM for the past three years, and now I'm getting paid for the things I love to do, with the people I want to work with - and at the comfort of my home.

Would you believe me if I say that you can earn 6-figures with a skill that you know nothing about today? I would love to share my experiences, and help if you are:

✅ Struggling with a low paying, stressful job; ✅ Tired with office politics; ✅ Confused about your career path; ✅ Wanting to have more family time; ✅ Freelancing with very limited clients;

Together with my team, we will help you GET PAID WELL, for the things you love to do, with the people you want to work with... at the comfort of your home.

You can have FREE ACCESS to the platform - but we need your inputs so we can make the contents as relevant and helpful to you as possible. Would you mind answering a few quick questions about it?

I’ll send you the link to the training platform as soon as it's ready! Thanks!

Here’s a link to the survey:

3 Replies

Responded to the survey! Thanks.

Thank you so much!
