Looking for a part-time ESL job for my husband

Dec 05 '19 Mallari 3359 clicks ask

Hi teachers! I am looking for a part time ESL job for my husband. He is currently working as a full time teacher and would like to have a flexible online teaching job. The maximum hour he can do in a week is maybe around 14-15hrs.

We already have a stable internet connection and a noise cancelling headset.He is open to both audio and video class and would like to atleast have older students if he can.Do you guys have any recommendation where he can apply? Thank you! 😊

3 Replies

he can apply at 51talk.

Rarejob. Most students are adults and the schedule is very flexible.

Tutoring is hiring new tutors again from December 1 to 27. The interview will start on December 9.

Audio Class Only STANDBY MODE Flexible Time Tax-Free Starting rate is $3 and may increase up to $4.50 / hr plus incentives Mode Of Payment: PAYPAL

Please APPLY HERE: 👇👇👇


P.S. If you are interested in applying, please send me your 1 - 2 minutes of video recording for checking.
