Anyone use worldremit to accept payments from clients?

Dec 06 '19 Gumba 2350 clicks ask

Hi po, I just want to ask who among you guys here uses worldremit to accept payments from clients?

Please provide me a feedback or any suggestion which payment portal is best to use,I'm still very new to this so I can use all the help because client is asking where yo send payments.

Thank you!!

4 Replies

My client and I have been using worldremit since last year. You can get the money from Mlhuiler or Cebuana but few months ago we linked it to my Gcash wallet so it's easier for me to collect and receive the money. I like it because it's real time and no charge from my end. :)

Paypal is also a good option.

You could also try Transferwise. The money goes directly to your bank account so there's no transfer fee.

Hi , world remit is reliable and I have been using that too as my payment method. Since 2017.
