I had just quit my office job and start my home-based online jobs journey

Dec 02 '19 JedTorre 2465 clicks ask

Hi, Good Day!

I had just quit my office job and afterwards started my ecom journey. I am now managing my recently opened online store/website.

However, I wanted to do something else with which i can utilize my work experience. So, I was doing the usual ecom related research and happened to stumble upon Virtual Assistant Work. I got curious so I wanted to try it out just to venture into unknown territory, so to say.

I believe I possess the basic skills needed to at least start with and eventually succeed in this field (my experiences are along helpdesk, tech/cust support, data entry, admin task work).

I've been sending out my resumes but I'm unsure yet if I'm starting correctly hence im posting here to ask for tips, or how to start my VA journey on the right direction.

Do you guys have any tips or tricks where to hunt for employment, or the do's and dont's?

Thank you so much!

1 Replies

Joboceans, Upwork, etc.
