Contract helps you to get right pay

Aug 30 '20 benedict_stiedemann 3604 clicks ask

I am always reading horror stories of people not getting the right pay. But in the story, they always say there is no contract. Further, they disagree on tasks and output. So why not write a contract? What’s keeping people from creating a contract?

6 Replies

It's for both parties anyway!

Maybe they don’t know how to make one. Or they fear that the client might hire somebody else who does not require one. They like the idea of earning but when problems arise later on, they do not have one of the most important skills: negotiation.

I am guilty with this. 😔

May be easy to create a contract. But who will enfoce the penalties in case of a breach when both parties are not governed by the same laws, not within the same country? Is there some international body to enforce the contract? A client can sign, but in case of either party breaching the contract, how will one chase the other? Even so, a legal matter will cost money. To what gain and is it worth the time and effort than to just let go and move on to the next client? Just my view.
