Hiring ASAP 100% Work From Home! We Offer Hourly Rates and Attendance Bonus

Sep 20 '22 rippin102 2697 clicks job

Do you have what it takes to be an Appointment Setter, Cold Caller, Virtual Assistant, QA Analyst or HR/Recruiter? WE'RE HIRING ASAP!!! 100% WORK FROM HOME.

Requirements: πŸ‘‰ Working laptop or desktop πŸ‘‰ Quiet workspace πŸ‘‰ Noise cancelling headset πŸ‘‰ Stable Internet Connection ( at least 5 mbps) πŸ‘‰ Reliable and dedicated πŸ‘‰ Can work without constant supervision πŸ‘‰ Willing to undergo self paced training πŸ‘‰ Willing to work anytime between 8:30PM -11AM Manila time

Benefits: Hourly Rates + Appointments Set + Attendance Bonus + Overtime Bonus WORK WITH US We have Ongoing interviews
