Looking for a virtual assistant to help me with social media marketing business and my travel blog

Jul 05 '20 lgabel 3079 clicks job

Hi all!

I’m looking for a virtual assistant to help me with my influencer and social media marketing business, as well as my travel blog. My main client is a major beauty brand - so the role is probably best suites for a female :)

Some examples of things I could use help with:

  • pull stats on YouTube videos (likes/comments/engagement rate), Instagram and Twitter posts (likes/comments/shares/engagement rate)

  • help creating wrap up reports for campaigns in Keynote

  • create influencer talent lists for beauty campaigns

  • Familiar with Canva and creating imagery, ebooks, pins, etc.

  • help managing business Instagram account

  • research various travel related topics for my blog

  • bonus: writing skills to ghostwrite articles for travel blog

  • bonus: knows Squarespace

I probably need a few hours of help each week.
