Looking to outsource one of my projects, experience in handling keap / infusionsoft required

Mar 20 '24 TeaBernardo 2053 clicks job

I'm looking to outsource one of my projects. If you have experience handling keap/infusionsoft please feel free to apply. We are currently running a partnership program for our company and I'm wondering anyone here has the availability to take on this part-time project to help me and with the potential to be long-term. I'm also looking for someone who can handle data spreadsheets and help me organize them and some ad hocs.

If you could send your updated resume and CV that explains how you've help your clients with infusionsoft/keap and how proficient are you in handling data and organizing spreadsheets mapping would be great.

Preferably someone living in MetroManila who I can jam with future projects 🙂

Please apply if you have availability and can take on partime/on call projects.

Let's hop on a call to discuss the details. VA experience is not required as long as you know the tools and can help.
