My Upwork account is suspended due to I have no clients for a long time

Mar 13 '20 Tolentino 3177 clicks ask

Question: My friend referred me to her client. Now my issue is, my Upwork is suspended as I didn't have clients for a long time in Upwork. Will it be reinstated if I appeal and tell them that the client wanted to hire me?

Is it possible if the client will directly appeal to Upwork and bring me as his freelancer? His issue is he can't view my profile due to the suspension but I did ask them to email Upwork and let them know the intent that they wanted to hire me via the platform.

We've been going back and forth since yesterday morning and I have also sent an email appealing my case and I have yet to receive a response from Upwork. Thank you in advance for your inputs.Let me know how I can strongly appeal my current situation.
