Peak Support looking for Trainers, Team Leads and Agents for our new clients

Jul 19 '22 ycorwin 2790 clicks job

We are looking for Trainers, Team Leads and Agents for our new clients.

The job will be via Upwork so you have to have a verified account.

Company Name: Peak Support (Customer Service) Rate per hour may vary depending on the positions you will apply for. $3-$6 per hr plus OT pay and Night diff and Medical Support. 20% Upwork fee will be reimbursed and all succeeding Upwork Fees. Learn more about Peak Support through the following links: Website: Facebook page: Summit 2019:


  • Required skills include:
  • Excellent phone manner
  • Fluency or near-fluency in English
  • Vast Experience with inbound and/or outbound calling

Additional desired skills include:

  • Experience with email and/or chat
  • Experience with inbound and/or outbound sales

And here are the Technical Requirements:

  • Good computer setup with Chrome browser
  • Legitimate Windows 10 OS
  • minimum of 8gb RAM
  • minimum processor: i3 - 7th gen ~ 10th gen, i5 4th gen or higher, AMD A8 - 5000 series or higher, AMD Ryzen 3 2200G or higher
  • Stable high-speed wired internet connection (at least 10-20Mbps)
  • Install a centralized device management software (company provided) to your computer for account security purposes
  • A stable power supply in your area
  • Noise cancellation headset
  • Skype account

Thank you!!
