Sharing my experience as a newbie freelancer if anyone is interested in reading

Feb 26 '20 Viray 2420 clicks share

Hello! I just share my experience as a newbie freelancer, if anyone's interested in reading.

January 2020 when I decide to do freelance work via Upwork. We had just moved and I was looking to continue using my skillset which I used for almost 8 years in my old job (writing, photoshop, InDesign etc). Late January that still doesn't pay attention to my proposals / profile. It only added to my sadness when kobe died (but that's another story).

About a week before February, someone finally accepted my proposal. It was a very small one-time job but I was very happy with getting me (content letter for website). After a few days I submitted the first part of the job to him and then waited for their repsonse. And waited. And waited. And waited some more. As I somehow expected, I was no longer active. Come back to being disappointed.

A week ago though, I got in touch with someone and they added me to their Upwork agency. Finally bagged my first legit project, and now I'm hoping that this will be a transition towards a promising freelance career.

To those of us who are just starting out, we can't discourage having a client - there are good opportunities to come. Patience is only occasional.

Good luck to you all!

2 Replies

Wow, congratulations!

You are so lucky!💓
