Virtual assistants for data entry, monitoring and processing

Aug 29 '20 orn_angelica 2855 clicks job

We are looking for talented Virtual Assistants to work in the insurance industry. We are looking to hire and train at least 8 people to assist insurance agencies in back end support work.

Data entry, monitoring and processing will be your main duties.

Pay is between $2-5 an hour and will increase every 6 months of full time work. We are looking for long term employment and will require a 1 year contract for the 1st year, if hired.

Just a few things to keep in mind.

  1. Our position is for full time - long term.

  2. You must apply on Outsourcely. It is free. If you are having issues creating an account, troubleshoot the issue and find the fix. If you come work for my company and run into a "roadblock" what are you going to do? Find a solution or just say you are stuck? We look for those who are problem fixers and solution seekers.

  3. Please do not DM me or ask for a friend request. If you have a question that is not already answered here or on Outsourcely, please address here in the comments so everyone can see the answer. We will continue our hiring process until we have hired the candidates we need. Everyone will get a chance to go thorough the process.

  4. We are seeing a lot of resumes/CV that are not up to date. If you are unemployed, your last job/position should have an end date. If not, then your resume is incorrect and you do not care about the details. You are more likely to be hired if you pay attention to the smallest of details.

  5. If you have your own VA outsourcing company, more power to you. Unfortunately, we do not hire from other companies. We hire directly the talent we want and train them the way we need them to work.

  6. Yes, our training is paid training. Most benefits start after 6 months. What benefits? Check it out on Outsourcely.

