Be Our Rockstar Sales VA & Start ASAP at Live Free Virtual Services

Feb 25 '22 fhilpert 1974 clicks job
Virtual Assistant

Be Our Rockstar Sales VA & Start ASAP! Work Remotely: YES Job Role: Sales/Lead Generation Virtual Assistant Company: Live Free Virtual Services Work Hours and Schedule: 20hrs per week in CST Rate or Salary Range: $5 to $6 per hour DOE Commission Based only: NO Target Start Date: ASAP

Job Details:

  • Client owns an IT/Cybersecurity business.
  • Client needs someone who can make calls and increase company sales.
  • Candidate must have a strong phone presence.
  • Experience with Sales is a MUST
  • Lead Generation experience is a plus!

Once you are done filling it out, you will immediately receive an email from us with the subject Basic Competency Checklist. The said email contains information about the next steps and other information we need from you which you need to accomplish ASAP.

Please note that failure to follow the instructions will mean disqualification.
