Hiring good cold callers

Jan 29 '22 claudie34 2727 clicks job
Cold Caller

Do you know any good cold callers?

We’re looking for someone who’s experienced on the phones and is interested in helping small business owners qualify leads and schedule appointments.

  • Work from home part time, will bump up to more hours once performance improves
  • We need someone who’s comfortable on the phones. Not script reliant and spontaneous, and can communicate fluently.
  • Has a working USB Headset
  • Stable internet connection
  • Ready to start in less than a week
  • Can be assigned to a US Real Estate client, Gym owners, Chiropractors, Social Media Agency, etc
  • Main role is to qualify leads through outbound calls Rate: $4-5/hour Hours: Will start with 10-15 or 25 hours a week. Opportunity for a full time role depends on performance.