Looking for VA for admin tasks only

Dec 02 '20 altenwerth_americo 2427 clicks job
Virtual Assistant

Looking for VA for admin tasks only, personal VA only slightly tight in budget because I am also a newbie trying new online store.

Around 30-40 hours per month lang Budget : 100-150 pesos /hour Job Description: Social Media Posting Excel Formatting (to be trained) Chat support (local lang so no need straight english)


  • I hope at least the speed is 5 mbps (that's why I just have a voice call so that when I call you via zoom / messenger / viber / etc it won't lag) to save on mobile calls
  • Dayshift
  • Weekly Payout
  • There is no need for college graduate as long as he knows how to speak English, read and write

Increase if the business becomes okay, since you are the VA, you will see first hand how the business is to justify the increase.
