WE ARE HIRING Customer Service Representative! Permanent work from home (35 to 40 hours/Week, $4 to $6 USD)
WE ARE HIRING Customer Service Representative! Employment Type: Permanent work from home (35 to 40 hours/Week) Rate: $4 to $6 USD Schedule: Eastern Time Zone (TBA)
Our company is looking for the best candidate for Customer Service Representative with the following Requirements: • Proven experience as a Customer Service Representative (2 years experience) • Proven ability to work in a team and autonomously with little to no supervision • Excellent verbal and written English communication • Patient, committed and has the ability to adapt to changing job demands and deliverables • Quiet and distraction-free working space • Stable and Fast Internet • USB Headset with Noise Cancellation
We read and review all proposals regardless if you are a newbie or a tenured agent. All proposals are treated equally. When applying please include any similar experience you have had in the past doing Customer Service.
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