Looking for General Administrative Assistant to work on various admin tasks for our US client with a Web Development company

Sep 09 '23 collins_09 3397 clicks job
General Administrative Assistant


Salary: $800-$1200 or Php45,000-70,000 (depending on experience)

We are looking for a WordPress Guru - General Administrative Assistant to work on various admin tasks for our US client with a Web Development company.

Here are your qualities and tasks, but NOT limited to:

  • Skilled with WordPress
  • Scrape a list of marketing podcasts, business podcasts, and FBA podcasts
  • Export posts on Twitter that did well and curate them for Linkedin
  • Form Checks, Plugin Updates
  • Build a list of people I want to engage with routinely (Dan) and then like all of their stuff (VA)
  • Installation of Google Tag Manager, Google Analytics, and Event Tracking
  • You must be familiar with Elementor
  • Research Skills
  • Excel Skills