RAK Wireless Ltd. is Hiring Project Managers! ₱50,000 - ₱80,000 (DEPENDING ON EXPERIENCE)

Jul 21 '23 kuphal_5 2694 clicks job
Project Manager



Company Name: RAK Wireless Ltd. Currently, our company is looking for the following position:

  • Project Managers.

This is for a full-time role.

We need someone that has experience or an aptitude in project management and is into technology, particularly in the IOT space. Our products are in SMART technology such as remote sensing that applies to SMART houses, SMART farming/agriculture, LORAWAN Technology, and Crypto Mining Tech such as HELIUM. We don’t expect you to be an expert, but if you have the inclination to adopt your project management communication skills to such a working environment and the challenge of a WFH set-up as the point-person overseeing projects virtually, then maybe we can be lucky to have you onboard!

Your task is to implement communication workflow that bridges ideas to management approval, then to creative implementation that follows a marketing strategy (marketing campaign) down to project deadlines. And most importantly, to have progressive analytical skills on assessment of these project communication work processes for improvement.

You’ll be our "Project Manager Genius", communicating with the CEO, COO, Technical Writers, Product Development Designer, IT-Coders, Creatives, and Marketing Team—This is an international set-up by the way.

We work with AGILE methodology. We favor pro-activeness (we don’t micromanage). We communicate through Mattermost, BaseCamp, and are currently shifting to Jira/Confluence project management/collaborative app tools.
